The sculptural group DANCERS originated from the opus RELATIONS, which deals with the concepts of the personal and the interpersonal. In the formal sense, the figure is reduced to a symbol and cleansed of descriptive elements. It carries within it a naked idea, human figures as given. The human being is guided by internal mechanisms of attachment and repulsion, both towards internal and external contents. The figures were placed in various positions, building a story about the aspiration for true communication, both with themselves and with other figures.
DANCERS, as a segment of the mentioned opus, transpose the figure in an effort to get rid of all restrictions. The figures jump, grow on their heads and twist.
DANCE may have arisen as a need to express ourselves and communicate with each other. It strongly conveys emotion, is dynamic and interactive, draws us into its rhythm and releases the burden of ration.
The work was awarded the ULUPUDS plaque at the 53rd May Exhibition.
Material: welded aluminum sheet and profiles.
Average figure height 1.5m

… However, movement is also possible, but only as a kind of (dangerous) acrobatic game – figures presented in free movement, they try to free themselves from petrified attachments to space and their own givens in it.
The seven figures in the circle, caught trying to make a standing position or a bridge, become a sign of human striving for free flight, twisted solitary dance or acrobatics of separation from the force of gravity, restraint and stillness, which seems to be achieved only by reversing the usual perspective. upside down.
Darko Kuzmanović thus points to the paradoxical position of the human being between attachment to matter and the pursuit of the spiritual, between the danger of falling and liberating play, which is possible only as a form of inverted dance “on the hands” or for strange curvatures of the figure in which the human body becomes communicative. a bridge with the self and with the absolute, transcending its rigid materiality.
Ivana Bašić